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It is an independent association, with its revenue coming from member subscriptions, book exhibitions and other non-profit activities.

Our association takes action in the following fields:

  • Conducting a thorough and systematic examination of challenges across all sectors related to books, from production to distribution (writers, translators, editors, booksellers, salespeople, printers, bookbinders) and maintaining strong union relations with the stakeholders of the above professions in order to foster collective advocacy and issue resolution.
  • Enhancing the quality of publications, both in terms of technical appearance and aesthetics, so that they are competitive in the global market.
  • Cultivating bibliophilia (love for books) through multifaceted actions of our own, utilizing the mass media and all modern promotional networks.
  • Striving to establish a modern network of school libraries, fully updated and operating at their optimal level. Creating libraries nationwide that are well-equipped according to contemporary standards, all under a single national organization. Continuously and comprehensively promoting and advertising books. Ensuring that the Mass Media practically acknowledges the publication of a book as newsworthy. Raising awareness and mobilizing teachers and professors to nurture children's love and proper appreciation for books.

Within this framework, the Book Publishers’ Association organizes a series of significant events every year, most notably the BOOK FESTIVAL and the BOOK BAZAAR. The Association also conducts advertising campaigns to promote books, as well as other initiatives.

High-level contacts are scheduled with ministries and organizations to address industry issues and to gain recognition by the state of our professional uniqueness. We seek the acknowledgment of our significant contribution to social development, as the products we produce (books) are the cornerstone of the cultural, educational, and scientific development of Greek Society: books offer knowledge, disseminate ideas, nurture aesthetic appreciation, and shape characters.

Due to its self-reliance our association has computerized all levels of its operations, while providing legal, financial, and communication advice to its members.

It monitors global publishing activity in all sectors and engages in various activities, including participation in international book fairs.

Its members' overall philosophy is based on the unique orientation that the book constitutes the ultimate cultural good with national significance.